Wednesday, June 4, 2008

where do you go when you are running away from yourself?

Myspace is being gayer than usual, wearing down every ounce of the patience that is already low, so. I gave up. I couldn't send messages... I couldn't go to where I wanted. F you myspace! Roar. Today was the last day of school. I am still not sure how I feel about that. Sure, I am sad because I'll miss people. Like, I will probably never see Katie again. And, I'm sad about that, but at the same time, I am SO happy that school is over. I just feel kinda crappy and I don't know why. I just need to get to Florida ASAP. Need to buy a friken plane ticket and go. Just go.
I'm really tired at the moment. BUT! I CAN STAY UP LATE TONIGHT! So..I can't go to bed right now...
My wrists hurt from typing.. I hate that with a true and strong passion.
He got my hopes up again. There are a lot of "He"s in my life. If you don't know who I am talking about, eh, sucks to be you!!! I have my eyes closed at the moment. This is a time when being a really good typre comes in handy. I'm tired. GRR!! All of my music on my ipod suck a lot. My eyes are burning. Owwww. Im so tired but I doubt I could fall asleep because my mind is going a mile a minute. =( Ok. Eyes are open. Anyways. I probably should go and do something that holds at least a little bit of importance.

Miss Kasha. = (

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