Friday, May 16, 2008

how interesting...

Life can be. I had to get my blood drawn today. I teared up a bit, almost cried. I HATE getting my blood drawn. I don't mind the needle, it's the whole pushing on my arm...hard to explain. I just don't like it! OKAY?! Jeez. So, anyways, I went to the doctor yesterday. My mom thinks that I am depressed and I am starting to finally admit that I probably am. I probably am depressed. Seems to be the only explanation for a lot of things. But, whatever. So, my doctor referred me to a physcologist. Those are the ones that can give you meds if needed. I think it's needed. Anyways, they wanted to do a full blood work thingy magig, so I was like, okay. I hated it. Rawr. But, I've missed all week of school, so I need to figure out what's wrong I suppose. I don't feel like shit anymore, but I don't feel good really. I If that makes any sense at all. . . Nothing really AWESOME has happened in a while. But really, who can expect it to? I miss Kasha a lot. I'm ready to move somewhere. Florida, I wish. I want to get away from just about everyone. Everyone. I don't know what my problem is. Just seems like everything has to be fucked up. My health, some of which the problems are my fault. [[smoking]]. My dad. My grandparents. My friends. Me. All quite fucked up.
Eh, what's new?

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