Sunday, March 23, 2008

california trip. march 20-22

Our first stop was LA. Amazing as it is, I am not too fond of that city. We just went there for my dad, he had a class there. We stayed in a really small hotel, that part sucked really bad. It was me, my five year old sister (Dalynn), my four year old brother (Camren), my mom and my dad. It was soo cramped and loud. So I just put in my headphones and crashed the entire time. lol. The next day we drove to Oceanside, which is spectacular! Sooo pretty there. I loved it! I got a whole bunch of shells on the beach, I even found a starfish. As I laid on the beach (talking to Kasha on the phone actually) I noticed the person next to me was reading Twilight. I thought it was funny. I can't go anywhere without seeing that book, and I totally understand why. It's an awesome book. lol. Anyways, the beach was fun. I loved how the water glinted as the sun hit it and how the sand sparkled. It was amazing. The next day we drove home. It seemed to last forever and I got carsick once, due to the friken traffic (iick). Along the way I made some observations: there are a lot of trees and ivy on the side of the roads, it is REALLY stupid to try and brush your hair in the car...a convertible...stupid people!, do you ever think that the dudes who drive those big choppers ever get really tired..their arms I mean. They have to reach up and stuff. Looks kinda stupid to me actually. lol. Anyways, it was great to get home but it was fun. = )

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