Sunday, March 23, 2008

caught up to the present

Now I am pretty much caught up to today. The Cali trip was a few days ago, so that's over with. Today was Easter. Fun, fun, fun. Eat candy until your sick, what a blast! lol. My grandma came back from Cali today (they came up with us but left later), she brought me 3 sand dollars, they are soo cool. That is all I really wanted from the beach, but she bought those ones. They are awesome looking. = )

One thing that I've been thinking about latley is how I am. For the past year or so, I've been the dark, "emo", sad person. I am not really "emo" or sad anymore, but being dark, is sort of how I am. I love black, I love dark things. I shutter at the site of pink and rainbows have never been my thing. I've just been hanging out with the ravers lately and they are all for bright colors and white. I want to fit in, but old habbits die hard I guess. I want to fit in and all, but I don't want to change who I am and besides, is wearing black all the time really that bad?

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