Friday, March 28, 2008

crush factor: real or thrill?

How can you tell if you really like someone or you are just flattered that they like you. I've met this guy once at a park, he was with all of his friends. I was with 2 of my friends. We all kinda crushed on each of the friends. The guy I was crushing on wasn't the guy in question. But it turned out that 2/3 of the guys ended up liking my friend (the guy in question and the guy I liked). So when he messaged me yesterday I expected him to be wanting to know why my friend deleted her myspcace. I informed him that we weren't friends anymore, blah blah blah and if that was why he wanted to talk to me. He said that I was cool and wanted to talk to me. So I was like, fine, whatever. Then when I asked him what he wanted to talk about...his suggestion was...interesting, to say the least. What do ALL guys think about? Yep, that was it. So we asked eachother a few quick questions, nothing major. Then it changed into me telling him that I probably knew something that he hasn't done. He wasn't convinced so I said the first thing that came to mind. Making out in a library. He said he had and I was like, yeah right. He was like, I could do it for you. I was like, for me or with me? He said with me! Oh my god. Kinda creepy, considering I've met him once and he said he loved my friend. But whatever, it was quite flattering. I'm pretty sure he likes me. But I don't really like him. I'm just bored. Maybe I could grow to like him? He's just totally not cute. I know that shouldn't matter but..we shall see I suppose. Anyhoo. Real or Thrill? Do I really like him or am I just liking the attention?


1 comment:

KaShA said...

guys do suck..but...
sometimes even if he's not cute as u get to know him his personality will become attractive and u'll see him as cuter...soemtimes