Friday, April 4, 2008


I've been Missing In Action for the past week and my blog has become abandoned! I have returned! Yay? Probably no "Yay"s. But, oh well. Soo. This week has been eventful, yet boring. Let's start with my weekend (last weekend). Had my first kiss (I'd rather not get into detail about that...ew...) and a lot of other firsts, which I don't really want to talk about! Anyhoo. Nothing too extreme. I promise. lol. I haven't gone to school all week. Except for Wed., but I went home after 5th period. I don't know why I haven't gone. I just really don't like it lately. I don't know if it's the getting up at 5:30 every morning or the people..or what. I don't know, but I'm going to do homeschooling next year but until then I am going to work on that. I've been talking to that guy, the one who I said wasn't very cute, blah blah blah and I am starting to like him. He seems pretty cool and is obviously into me! Sooo, I don't know what's going to happen with that. He wants to hang out, and I want to see him and all...but not by myself. Hmm. I don't know! Anyhoo. I feel like there was a lot more that has happened, but I can't really think of anything too dramatic. I really miss my bud, Kasha! Rawr, making me angry beastbeast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i miss u soooo much. this summer=u+me!!!! all summer dude then i'm going to kidnap u lol. that's cute i hope it goes well. but don't trust guys their meany head douche bags=/