Wednesday, March 26, 2008

lions and tigers and bears, oh my! (well. it was actually: snakes and spiders and lizards, oh my!)

Sorry I didn't write yesterday-I was too busy having fun. :P Afterschool (School was okay, nothing too dramatic happened... My friend Lauren's brother, Evan changed his lunch schedual so that he could eat lunch with Dominique and flattering!) I went to Exotic Pets! That is probably the coolest store on planet Earth!! There were a lot of turtles, big and small, a LOT of awesome reptiles (snakes, lizards, etc., etc.), fishies, spiders (EEK!), birds and even a kangaroo! It was sooo awesome! Now I really want some type of lizard or snake and some froggies. My only concern is that I am a chicken shit and I wouldn't be able to hold them, lol. Anyways, we ended up getting two more turtles (Chaotic and Stud, they are miiine!), 6 frozen baby rats (iick), 2 frozen biig rats (iicker), another light for the turtle tank and some plants for the turtle tank. The rats were for my grandma's snakes (Sasha and Kai: Ball Pythons and Lexi: Boa Constrictor). The turtle tank contains: 4 turtles (Sasha, Jack, Chaotic and Stud), 6 fish (I should name those!! :P), a whole bunch of colorful rocks, a little thing for the turtles to chill on and some plants that the turtles can actually eat. It is pretty cool. : ) My mom said that we could make a shelf to attach to my wall then build a cage that would go on top of it and then put froggies in it! Wouldn't that be awesome? I really like the poison arrow frogs but they are 1: posionous and 2: I will probably end up getting these frogs called Hourglass frogs, they are really cute! I want some type of reptile..but they are all soo expensive, so I'll have to wait for that..maybe my birthday? Oh yah, the child support is going to start kicking in by May, so that will be cool. : ) Anyhoo, the last few days have been quite good. Nothing too horrible has happened (save the fact that he started talking to me again... Nothing is really happening with that. Whenever we talk I either sound like a pathetic loser or a bitch...Oh well. Maybe we jus tshouldnt talk at all and I should delete his number again..but then that whole email would of been pointless..but whatever. If he talks to me, fine. I'll act totally normal and express the fact that I am...happy. I am happy I think. Finally.) Oops, didn't mean for that to be so long. But it is true. I think I finally am happy, despite what the world sees when they look at me. Just because I wear black everyday and listen to hard rock doesn't mean that I am depressed or anything. I feel like I am a fairly outgoing person and I don't need to wear bright colors and listen to pop and such to be reconized.

Rawr, my sunburn is driving me stark raving mad (heha).
Anyhoo. I'll add more if today has anything fun to talk about.

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